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Integrating field and satellite data for spatially explicit inference on the density of threatened arboreal primates




Spatially explicit models of animal abundance are a critical tool to inform conservation planning and management. However, they require the availability of spatially diffuse environmental predictors of abundance, which may be challenging, especially in complex and heterogeneous habitats. This is particularly the case for tropical mammals, such as nonhuman primates, that depend on multi-layered and species-rich tree canopy coverage, which is usually measured through a limited sample of ground plots. We developed an approach that calibrates remote-sensing imagery to ground measurements of tree density to derive basal area, in turn used as a predictor of primate density based on published models. We applied generalized linear models (GLM) to relate 9.8-ha ground samples of tree basal area to various metrics extracted from Landsat 8 imagery. We tested the potential of this approach for spatial inference of animal density by comparing the density predictions for an endangered colobus monkey, to previous estimates from field transect counts, measured basal area, and other predictors of abundance. The best GLM had high accuracy and showed no significant difference between predicted and observed values of basal area. Our species distribution model yielded predicted primate densities that matched those based on field measurements. Results show the potential of using open-access and global remote-sensing data to derive an important predictor of animal abundance in tropical forests and in turn to make spatially explicit inference on animal density. This approach has important, inherent applications as it greatly magnifies the relevance of abundance modeling for informing conservation. This is especially true for threatened species living in heterogeneous habitats where spatial patterns of abundance, in relation to habitat and/or human disturbance factors, are often complex and, management decisions, such as improving forest protection, may need to be focused on priority areas. © 2016 by the Ecological Society of America.
机译:动物丰富度的空间显式模型是告知保护规划和管理的关键工具。但是,它们需要提供空间上分布丰富的环境预测因子,这可能具有挑战性,尤其是在复杂而异质的生境中。对于热带哺乳动物,例如非人类灵长类动物而言,尤其如此,它依赖于多层且物种丰富的树冠覆盖,通常通过有限的地块样本来测量。我们开发了一种校准遥感影像以对树木密度进行地面测量以得出基础面积的方法,然后根据已发布的模型将其用作灵长类动物密度的预测指标。我们应用了广义线性模型(GLM),将9.8公顷树底面积的地面样本与从Landsat 8影像中提取的各种指标相关联。我们通过比较濒临灭绝的疣猴的密度预测值与先前从野外横断面计数,测得的基础面积以及其他丰度预测值得出的估计值,测试了该方法在动物密度空间推断中的潜力。最佳的GLM具有很高的精度,并且显示的基础面积预测值和观察值之间没有显着差异。我们的物种分布模型得出的预测灵长类动物密度与基于实地测量的密度相匹配。结果表明,利用开放获取和全球遥感数据来推论热带森林中动物丰度的重要预测指标,进而对动物密度进行空间明确的推断,具有潜在的潜力。这种方法具有重要的固有应用程序,因为它极大地放大了丰度模型与保护相关性的相关性。对于生活在异质生境中的受威胁物种而言尤其如此,在这些异质生境中,相对于生境和/或人为干扰因素而言,丰富的空间格局往往很复杂,并且诸如改善森林保护等管理决策可能需要重点关注优先领域。 ©2016,美国生态学会。



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